All posts by Alan Collett

Parent Visa Backlog Continues to Increase

The Australian Government has published its report on the delivery of the 2020/21 Migration Program.
Page 56 of the report discusses parent visa processing activity and clearly shows the number of visa applications awaiting decisions continuing to rise, with new parent visa application lodgments comfortably exceeding the number of visas being granted annually.
For program year 2020/21 (with 2019/20 in brackets) the numbers are as follows – these numbers include Contributory and non Contributory parent visas:
Number of applications – 14,827 (12,664)
Number of visas granted – 4,500 (4,399)
Applications on hand at 30 June – 114,359 (108,659)

Contributory Parent Visa Application Numbers – Updated

In an update to our earlier blog post, Go Matilda Visas has obtained details of the current number of Contributory Parent Visa (CPV) applications that were lodged and in train at the Parent Visa Centre up to the end of August 2021.

The 2021/22 Migration Program allows for 4,500 visas to be granted across the Contributory and non-Contributory parent visa subclasses.

We understand that about 3,600 of this total will be allocated to Contributory Parent visa applications.

Given nearly 8,000 applications have been lodged for Contributory Parent visas in the first 8 months of 2021 alone we foresee a relentless and significant increase in the processing time for these visas – certainly some years more than the 64 months that is currently being referenced on the Department of Home Affairs website.

Details of the current number of CPV applications broken down between the number submitted each month are in this pdf document.

Number of visa applications on hand – Subclass 870, Temporary Sponsored Parent Visas

We have received details of the number of subclass 870 parent visa applications that are awaiting processing and the granting of visas.

As at 31 August, 2021 there were 1,826 applications on hand at the Department of Home Affairs, awaiting a decision.

Given there is an annual quota of 15,000 visas available under this visa subclass there is clearly scope for all of these visas to be granted once Australia’s Covid related border restrictions are eased – and for over 13,000 more visa grants before the end of the current program year on 30 June 2022.

Bridging Visas for Subclass 143 Visa Applicants

Following the announcement of concessions affecting applicants for subclass 143 visas, those who had applied for a 143 visa and were in Australia on 24 March 2021 may be eligible for a Bridging Visa that will allow the permanent residency visa applicant to remain in Australia until a decision is made on the application.

The conditions to be satisfied are as follows:

  • Subclass 143 visa application lodged before 24 March 2021
  • In Australia on 24 March 2021
  • Held what is called a substantive visa – eg a visitor visa under subclass 600 or 651 – when the subclass 143 visa application was lodged
  • Currently in Australia

If these conditions are satisfied there are good prospects of being granted a Bridging Visa.

Given the processing time for subclass 143 visa applications presently a BV may be of particular interest to parents who are presently awaiting a decision on their application – and is certainly a somewhat cheaper option than a subclass 870 temporary sponsored parent visa.

Go Matilda Visas has been assisting parent visa applicants for over 20 years – we are a very experienced firm of Australian visa advisors.

Please complete the enquiry form on this web page if you meet the above requirements and would like to explore obtaining a Bridging Visa.

Covid Concession – Extension of Validity Period for 870 Visas

Subclass 870 visa holders are unable to travel to Australia presently, due to restrictions at the point of arrival.

The validity period of subclass 870 visas is 3 years or 5 years from the time the visa is granted – not from the time of first arrival in Australia.

The Australian Government has announced a concession that extends the validity period of subclass 870 visas by 18 months.

If you hold a Sponsored Parent (Temporary) (subclass 870) visa (SPTV) and were outside Australia on 1 July 2021, your visa period has been automatically extended by 18 months.

The concession is intended to help SPTV holders who could not spend the full 3 or 5 years on their visa in Australia due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

If your visa is extended under this concession the additional 18 months will not count toward your cumulative 10 year maximum stay period.

The Department of Home Affairs has said that it will notify eligible visa holders in writing by the end of August 2021.

The sponsorship obligations for SPTV Sponsors have also been extended for the same 18 month period.