Category Archives: 103 visa

Parent Visa Grant Numbers – Year to 30 June 2024

We have received details of the number of Australian parent visas granted during the year to 30 June 2024.

The number of visa grants (with the number of visa refusals in brackets) was as follows:

Contributory Parent visas – 7,111 (535)

Non Contributory Parent visas – 1,709 (240)

TOTAL – 8,820 (775)

The total number of Contributory Parent visa applications cleared in the year to 30 June 2024 (ie granted plus refused) was therefore 7,646 – which is less than the total number of such applications lodged in May and June 2017.

As those who closely watch Contributory Parent visa processing will know, a large number of applications for these visas were lodged in May and June 2017, with most of the last processing year taken up with clearing just those two months of visa applications.

The Department of Home Affairs is now substantially through processing June 2017 applications, with applications held over into this month now being granted (we have had a 21 June 2017 subclass 143 visa application granted today, after the main Visa Application Charge was paid on 17 June 2024).

With the non Contributory Parent visa applications it is noteworthy that most of the visa grants were to subclass 103 applicants (1,581); only 128 visas were granted to subclass 804 visa applicants.

The number of subclass 870 visa applications granted in the year to 30 June 2024 was 3,734, with 110 refusals.

Note: Contributory Parent visa applications are made under subclasses 143, 173, 864, and 884.

The number of grants in the year to 30 June 2024 for each subclass was:

143 – 6,438

173 – 292

864 – 374

884 – 7


Parent Visa Numbers are Capped for the Year to 30 June 2024

A Legislative Instrument has been published by Australia’s Immigration Minister that caps the number of visas that can be granted to parents in the program year to 30 June 2024 as follows:
  • Contributory Parent visas – 6,800
  • Non Contributory Parent visas – 1,700
Of these totals some 112 Contributory Parent visas can be granted to Retiree pathway applicants; 13 can be granted to non-Contributory Parent visa applicants by Retirees.
Retiree pathway applicants are those who are applying under the pathway that is available to subclass 410 and 405 visa applicants.

Parent visas – The number of visas granted to date

Following a Freedom of Information request we have received the following information from the Department of Home Affairs regarding the number of parent visas granted during the current program year through to the end of February 2024 – ie from 1 July 2023 to 29 Feb 2024.

  Number Granted Number Refused
Contributory Parent Visas (CPVs) 4,624 308
Non Contributory Parent Visas 1,231 203
Subclass 870, Sponsored Parent Temporary 2,672 70

The parent visa program planning level (which excludes subclass 870) for the year to 30 June 2024 is for 8,500 visa grants, so if this is to be achieved there are some 2,624 parent visas available for grant in the 4 months to the end of June 2024.

In recent years there has been a tendency for the number of parent visas granted during a program year to come in at a few hundred less than the planning level – watch this blog for the actual numbers for the full year in the coming months.

Immigration Minister Confirms Number of Parent Visas for the 2022/23 Program Year

The Australian Immigration Minister has confirmed the number of parent visas that can be granted for the program year ending on 30 June 2023.

By way of background, parent visas are subject to an annual capping of visa grant numbers; at this time of year it is customary for the Minister to confirm this by way of an Instrument.

Numbers are as follows:

Contributory Parent visas

A maximum of 6,800 visas may be granted for the 2022/23 financial year.

Of the maximum number of Contributory Parent visas a maximum of 112 visas may be granted to applicants for the Contributory Parent Visa Migrant, Class CA who hold or who last held SC 405 Investor Retirement or SC 410 Retirement visas.

Non Contributory Parent Visas

A maximum of 1,700 Parent visas may be granted in the 2022/23 financial year.

Of the maximum number of Non Contributory Parent visas a maximum of 13 visas may be granted to applicants for the Parent (Migrant) (Class AX) visa who hold or who last held C 405 Investor Retirement or SC 410 Retirement visas.

In Summary

The overall number of visas that can be granted for the program year ending on 30 June 2023 is therefore 8,500 – which is as announced by the Federal Government already.

We expect to see a flurry of activity in the next 5 weeks given the number of visa grants up to 30 April 2023 discussed in our previous blog.

Parent visas granted to date in Program Year 2022/23, ending on 30 June 2023

Go Matilda Visas has details of the number of parent visas granted from 1 July 2022 to the end of April 2023.

Parent, subclass 103 1,276
Aged Parent, subclass 804 43
Contributory Parent, subclass 143 5,627
Contributory Parent (Temporary), subclass 173 322
Contributory Aged Parent, subclass 864 80
Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary), subclass 884 less than 5
TOTAL 7,348

The migration program planning level for parents for the program year to 30 June 2023 is 8,500 – so we anticipate a further 1,000+ parent visa grants before the end of next month.

Subject of course to any reduced cap that the Immigration Minister might place on parent visa numbers for the 2022/23 program year.

Go Matilda Visas is a pro-active firm of migration advisors that takes a particular interest in parent visas being sought by those with a child or children residing in Australia.

If you require assistance with a parent visa application and would like an initial free chat please complete the enquiry form on this page.