Tag Archives: parent visas

Number of Parent Visas Granted to date – Program year to 30 June 2025

We have received details of the number of parent visas granted up to 31 December 2024 from the Department of Home Affairs.

These are as follows (the number of visas refused is in italics):

  • Subclass 143, Contributory Parent – 4,475 – 206
  • Subclass 173, Contributory Parent (Temporary) – 103 – 17
  • Subclass 864, Contributory Aged Parent – 190 – 11
  • Subclass 884, Contributory Aged Parent (Temporary) – 5 – fewer than 5

Total Contributory Parent Visas granted to 31 Dec 2024 = 4,773

  • Subclass 103, Parent – 921 – 117
  • Subclass 804, Aged Parent – 25 – 22

Total non-Contributory Parent Visas granted to 31 Dec 2024 = 946

Total of the above = 5,719

The Department of Home Affairs planning number for these visas for the year to 30 June 2025 is 8,500.

Separately, we have been advised that the number of subclass 870 visas granted in the current program year up to 31 December 2024 is 1,554.


Parent Visa Grant Numbers – Year to 30 June 2024

We have received details of the number of Australian parent visas granted during the year to 30 June 2024.

The number of visa grants (with the number of visa refusals in brackets) was as follows:

Contributory Parent visas – 7,111 (535)

Non Contributory Parent visas – 1,709 (240)

TOTAL – 8,820 (775)

The total number of Contributory Parent visa applications cleared in the year to 30 June 2024 (ie granted plus refused) was therefore 7,646 – which is less than the total number of such applications lodged in May and June 2017.

As those who closely watch Contributory Parent visa processing will know, a large number of applications for these visas were lodged in May and June 2017, with most of the last processing year taken up with clearing just those two months of visa applications.

The Department of Home Affairs is now substantially through processing June 2017 applications, with applications held over into this month now being granted (we have had a 21 June 2017 subclass 143 visa application granted today, after the main Visa Application Charge was paid on 17 June 2024).

With the non Contributory Parent visa applications it is noteworthy that most of the visa grants were to subclass 103 applicants (1,581); only 128 visas were granted to subclass 804 visa applicants.

The number of subclass 870 visa applications granted in the year to 30 June 2024 was 3,734, with 110 refusals.

Note: Contributory Parent visa applications are made under subclasses 143, 173, 864, and 884.

The number of grants in the year to 30 June 2024 for each subclass was:

143 – 6,438

173 – 292

864 – 374

884 – 7


End of the Covid concession – What it means for Subclass 143 Visa Applicants with Bridging Visas

As some will know, the Australian Government introduced concessions across the visa program during the Covid pandemic.

This included allowing applicants for subclass 143 Contributory Parent visas to be onshore – ie in Australia – at the time the 143 visa was granted.

As a result of this concession it was possible to apply for a Bridging Visa, providing certain conditions were satisfied.

The Covid concession for subclass 143 visa applicants ended on 25 November 2023.

This means that Bridging Visas for subclass 143 visa applicants can no longer be granted to Subclass 143 visa applicants.

The most immediate practical impact of this is for subclass 143 visa applicants who are in Australia with a Bridging Visa that is in effect and who want to travel overseas and return to Australia.

Until 25 November 2023 such individuals would apply for a Bridging Visa B.

BVBs are no longer available to subclass 143 visa applicants as they can no longer be onshore at the time the permanent residency visa is granted.

For many this is an unwelcome outcome – if they depart Australia they are unable to return using the Bridging Visa regime.

Strategies to adopt if you are a subclass 143 visa applicant with a BVA or BVB that is in effect (ie active) include applying for a subclass 870 Sponsored Parent Temporary visa with a 3 year or a 5 year validity, or exploring obtaining a visitor visa if you are within a short period of your 143 visa being granted.


Contributory Parent Visa Application Numbers

Go Matilda Visas has details of the breakdown of the number of Contributory Parent Visa (CPV) applications that were lodged and in train at the Parent Visa Centre at the end of October 2020.

A table that provides details of the number of CPV applications that were lodged with the Department of Home Affairs as at 30 October, 2020 is accessible at the link below.

Even allowing for the fact that some of these applications will be withdrawn or will be refused rather than granted – the numbers in these regards are unlikely to be more than 10% of the total – we believe that these details support our view published on this blog a month ago: CPV application processing times are likely to be somewhat longer than has been advertised by the Department of Home Affairs to date.

Unless of course there is a step up in the number of CPV grants over the next few years.

Allowing for a 10% rate of refusal and withdrawal there are some 50,000 applications waiting to be granted.

The number of parent visas to be granted over this program year to 30 June 2021 – including non Contributory subclass 103s and 804s – is slated to be 4,500.

In previous years the number of CPV grants has been around 7,000 for each program year.

As some might say – you do the maths!

Go Matilda Visas is an informed migration advisory practice, and believes it has a responsibility to advise intending migrants of what should be expected as to outcomes and timelines, and not to set unrealistic expectations.

If you already have a parent visa application submitted to the Parent Visa Centre and think you might like some professional assistance to get you through to your visa being granted – or are planning to submit a parent visa application with the support of a registered migration agent – and would like a free no obligation conversation with us please feel able to complete the enquiry form on this page.

We will then contact you to tee up an initial discussion.